A Muslim scholar faces a Hindu man

A Muslim scholar faces a Hindu man
Once a famous Muslim Scholar of India was travelling by train. His seat was beside a Hindu man. Due to the extreme hatred for Muslims, the Hindu man moved away a little from the scholar. The scholar smiled at him and didn't get offended. After a while, the Hindu man took out a blanket and covered his body so that even the breath of the scholar doesn't touch his body. Later, the Hindu man had to go to the toilet. Upon seeing the dirty condition of the toilet, the Hindu man ran back saying "Raam Raam." The scholar asked about what happened and the Hindu man said that the condition of the toilet is very disgusting. At that, the scholar got up and with
some water went inside the toilet and cleaned the toilet completely. Then he came back to the Hindu man and told him to go in because it's now clean. The Hindu man didn't know what to do. But anyway, he went in and relieved himself. He is now thinking that no ordinary man could do what the Muslim scholar did. So, he came to the scholar and asked "Who taught you how to behave like this?" The scholar replied "Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)." Then the hindu man wanted to know more about Islam and the prophet. When they reached their destination, the Hindu man looked back to the scholar and said "I will never forget what you've taught me today."

How many of us would have actually done this? We would've shown our faces of disgust and maybe even given him not just a 'piece' of our minds, but our whole minds too just to make him feel low for his 'bad behaviour'.

Remember, people tend to judge our beautiful religon by some of the few 'rotton apples' who follow it and carry it out in the wrong way. Try to be a good example and not give Islam a bad image.

Wind carried the man to where he belonged
Once the angel of death (Hadrat Izra'il) appeared in the form of human being in the court of Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) and gazed continously at a person present there for some time. When the angel of death vanished, that person asked Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him): "Who was that person?" He told him that that was the angel of death. He remarked: "The angel of death had gazed at me in such a manner as if he had determined to take my life." Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) asked him: "What do you want?" He requested him to drop him in India. Prophet Sulaiman commanded the air to carry him up and drop him in India. Consequently the air carried him to India (which was very far from where he was). The angel of death came to Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him). He asked him "Why did you fix your gaze at that person?" Angel of death told: "I wondered that the Almighty Allah had commanded me to take the life of this person in India whereas he is sitting here in your presence."

Narrated on the authority of Khuthaima (RA). From the book "The spectacle of Death" by K. M. Islam

May Allah give us the reality of death. Let us all prepare for it before it's too late.

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