

Nasihah (Advice): Stand throughout the Blessed Month
There are two aspects that are Sunnah in Taraweeh during the month of Ramadaan. One is to complete the Holy Qur'an in Taraweeh and the other is to pray the full twenty Rakaats of Taraweeh throughout the month of Ramadaan.  
By completing the Qur'an in Taraweeh within ten, fifteen or twenty nights, it does not mean that Taraweeh is over. It is still emphasized in the Shari'ah that a person fulfils the obligation of the full twenty Rakaats of Taraweeh to the last eve of Ramadaan.
Rasoolullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has mentioned in the Hadith:
من قام رمضان إيمانا واحتسابا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه
"Whoever stands up in Taraweeh for (the entire) Ramadaan with Imaan and in anticipation of reward, will have his previous sins forgiven." (Sahih al-Bukhari, #: 37, Narrated by Abu Hurayrah)
Let us not deprive ourselves of this highly rewarding gift of Taraweeh which Allah has bestowed upon this Ummah. May Allah inspire us and grant us the strength to make the most of every day and night of this Holy month, Ameen.
Question and Answer:
Below Questions and Answers are from Jamiat KZN

Q: Does a minor child have to fast?
A: fasting is not obligatory on a child.
Q: Does a pregnant woman have to fast?
A: By default, a pregnant woman has to fast. However, if illness or harm is genuinely feared upon herself or the foetus, she is then exempted from fasting. She will have to do Qadhā’ later.
Q: Does a sick person have to fast?
A: A sick person is exempted from fasting altogether if there is genuine reason to believe that the current illness will intensify by fasting or that he will suffer another illness on result of fasting or that his recovery will be prolonged due to fasting.
Q: Can a traveller omit fasting?
A: A Shar’ī musāfir (traveller) who embarked on his journey prior to dawn is permitted to omit the fast of that day. As long as he is a Shar’ī musāfir, he may omit fasting.
Q: What about travelling during the day?
A: If a person embarked on a journey during the day, he/she will have to fast that day.
Q: Will the application of eye drops break the fast?
A: Using eyedrops will not break the fast.
Q: Can ear drops be used?
A: If a person’s eardrum is imperforated, he may use ear drops. If someone has perforated ear drums, it will not be permissible to use ear drops.
Q: Can we use insulin injections whilst fasting?
A: It is permissible to use insulin injections. Injections do not break a fast.
Q: Will a nasal spray break the fast?
A: Yes, a nasal spray will break the fast.
Q: Can mouthwash be used whilst fasting?
A: It is disliked to use mouthwash whilst fasting.
Q: Is it permissible to brush teeth and use toothpaste?
A: It is disliked to use toothpaste whilst fasting. One may brush teeth, use a miswak and a tongue scraper.
Q: Can an addicted smoker smoke whilst fasting?
A: It is not permissible to smoke whilst fasting. Smoking will result in Qadhā and Kaffārah. A smoker may use a transdermal nicotine patch.
Q: What is the ruling for using suppositories?
A: Insertion of suppositories up the rear passage will invalidate the fast.
Q: I forgetfully ate whilst fasting?
A: If one was totally unaware that he was fasting, the fast will not be broken regardless of what was consumed.
Q: By mistake I swallowed water whilst doing wudhu?
A: By doing an act mistakenly will break one’s fast. However, only Qadhā will be necessary.
Q: What if a person must break the fast due to an asthma attack?
A: If a person suffers from an illness or has an asthma attack and there is no option but to have medicine or an inhaler, it will be permissible to break the fast. However, he will have to do Qadhā.
Q: I engaged in intercourse with my spouse?
A: Intercourse will invalidate the fast and will make Qadhā and Kaffārah compulsory.
Q: will engaging in intimacy break the fast?
A: Merely being intimate is disliked if it will lead one further. If one experiences ejaculation, the fast will be broken.
Q: I had a wet dream whilst fasting. Is my fast broken?
A: A wet dream will not invalidate the fast.
Q: What is the Kaffārah?
A: A Kaffārah is expiation for a violation. It is fasting for 60 days consecutively without any interruption for those capable of fasting. If one cannot fast, he will have to give monetary Kaffarah.
Q: When will Kaffārah be binding?
A: By swallowing food without an excuse, consuming something that one is inclined to or by intercourse.
Q: Can a sick person pay fidyah instead of fasting?
A: A person who cannot fast due a chronic or terminal illness may give fidyah. As long as a person’s condition remains such that they cannot fast, they will keep giving fidyah for each fast.
If there is improvement to such a degree that they can fast, they will have to do Qadhā of all the previous fasts. The value of fidya for a fast is the same as that of sadaqah al-fitr.
- See more at: http://darulfiqh.com/fasting-faqs/#sthash.ZpT48roc.dpuf

(Pertaining to fasting)
1. What is the status of Sehri in Ramadaan?
A. Sehri is a Sunnah practice. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) is reported to have said,”Partake of Sehri, for verily there is barakah (blessings) in Sehri.” (Bukhari #: 1789 and Muslim #: 1835,Narrated by Anas–RadiyallahuAnhu).
However the fast is valid without Sehri.
2. Is it okay to use toothpaste or toothpowder whilst fasting?
A. It is reprehensible (makrooh) to do so. (JawaahirulFiqh, V: 1, P: 379, D.U. Karachi)
3. Does the use of an injection break the fast?
A. The fast is not nullified. However if the injection is injected directly into the stomach or brain,the fast would break. (AhsanulFatawa, V: 4, P: 432, Sa’eed).
NB. Dosages of Insulin injected to the abdomen does not invalidate the fast as it is not injected directly into the stomach.
4. Does the use of a drip break the fast?
A. No. (FataawaMahmoodiya, V: 10, P: 149, Farooqiyyah).
5. Can I have a blood test done whilst fasting?
A. Yes, you could do so provided that you do not become so weak that fasting becomes difficult.(AhsanulFatawa, V: 4, P: 435, Sa’eed)
6. If rain water enters my mouth and is swallowed, is my fast broken?
A. Yes. (al-Fataawa al-Hindiyyah– V: 1, P:203, Turath; RaddulMuhtaar, V: 2, P: 403, Tijariyyah)
7. If one vomits, does it break the fast?
A. The fast is only broken if one had vomited a mouthful involuntarily and swallowed it voluntarily or if one had voluntarily (induced) vomited a mouthful whether swallowed or not.(al-Fataawa al-Hindiyyah– V: 1, P: 203/4, Turath)
The definition of “mouthful (vomit)” is that which one cannot hold back in one’s mouth withoutdifficulty.
8. If I have a wet dream whilst fasting, is my fast still valid?
A. Yes, the fast is still valid. (RaddulMuhtaar, V: 2, P: 396, Tijariyyah)
9. I need to insert medication into my eye on a daily basis. What is the status of my fast?
A. The fast is not affected by inserting medication into one’s eye, whether the medicine is liquid or non-liquid. (al-Fataawa al-Hindiyyah, V: 1, P: 203, Turath)
10. Is it permissible to swim whilst fasting?
A. It is not advisable to swim whilst fasting. If water is swallowed by mistake or enters through the nose and reaches the brain then the fast will break and a qadha will have to be kept. (TahtaawiAlaaMaraqilFalaah, P: 671, Ilmiyyah)
11. Is it permissible to apply oil to the head whilst fasting?
A. Yes it is permissible to do so. (al-Fataawa al-Hindiyya– V: 1, P: 203, Turath)
12. I am writing exams during Ramadaan and find it difficult to concentrate whilst hungry. CanI delay my fast until after Ramadaan?
A. It is not permissible to do so. Keep your fast and pray to Allah Ta’ala to make it easy for you.(FataawaRaheemiya V: 2. P: 34, DarulIsha’at old edition)
13. I am an asthmatic. Does the usage of the pump break my fast?
A. It is advisable that you use your pump at Sehri time and Iftaar time. However, if you do have an acute attack, you could use your pump. This will break your fast and a qadha will have to be kept. (TahtawialaMaraqilFalaah, P: 677, Ilmiyyah)
14. Will my fast break if my nose bleeds?
A. No, the fast is not broken by mere nosebleed. However if blood flows down the throat, it will break if one tastes the blood in the throat or the blood swallowed is more or equal to the saliva swallowed with it. If the blood is less than the saliva, the fast is still intact. (al-Fataawa al-Hindiyyah– V:1, P: 203, Turath
15. Can one take a bath after Sehri, to be cleared from the state of Janaabat (requiring Fardh Ghusal)?
A. It is not advisable to unnecessarily delay the Fardh Ghusal. However if one is the position that he wants to partake of Sehri before taking the Ghusal then it is permissible. (FathulMulhim, V: 5, P: 226,DarulQalam)
16. Does smoking invalidate one’s fast?
A: Yes, it does invalidate one’s fast. (TahtawialaMaraqilFalaah, P: 677, Ilmiyyah)
17. It is permissible to use suppositories whilst fasting?
A. Inserting medication etc. Into the back private part/passage invalidates the fast. (al-Fataawa al-Hindiyyah– V: 1, P: 204, Turath)
18. If one is fasting and sprays perfume on oneself and accidentally inhales some of the perfume, will it break the fast? Will qadha have to be made?
A.One’s fast does not break by wearing, feeling or smelling fragrance. As such, it is permitted to apply perfume (itr) whilst in the state of fasting. However, if one was to intentionally inhale something that has a perceptible body, such as smoke (like the smoke of lobaan, the vapour of perfumes, agharbatti, Oudh etc.), then one’s fast would become invalid. (TahtawialaMaraqilFalaah, P:660, Ilmiyyah)
19. Does masturbating break the fast?
A. One is not allowed to masturbate, whether fasting or not. However if one does this vile act whilst fasting then the fast will break and a qadha will have to be kept.(RaddulMuhtaar, V:. 2, P: 399,Tijariyyah)
NB: One should make sincere and abundant Taubah for this debase act.
20. Is it permissible for a husband and wife to kiss whilst fasting?
A. It is permissible, provided that:
i. One does not swallow the saliva of his/her partner.
ii. One has control over his/her desire and is not driven by desire to sexual intercourse or ejaculation. (RaddulMuhtaar, V: 2, P: 410, Tijariyyah)
However such an action in the state of fasting is not advisable.If the saliva of the spouse is swallowed then not only is Qadha to be made but also Kaffaarah(i.e. fasting consecutively for 60 days).