The Status of Women

Nowadays, we have thousands of women across the world portraying themselves in different manners all in an attempt to establish feminine liberalism. Many of these females are under the mistaken impression that a woman’s worth can only be fully appreciated when she has the same rights, responsibilities and schedules as a men.
This idea has taken such deep root that there are even many of our Muslim mothers and sisters who are falling for it. Muslim women have developed the misconception that they are oppressed or have lesser worth than men, due to the fact that Islam has clearly differentiated between the roles of the two genders.

I wish to ask those liberalists who harper on regarding gender-equality whether a male being unable to give birth makes him any lesser for it? If not, then why insist on removing the modesty which should be naturally ingrained in women? Why persist in your efforts to equalise the roles of both genders?
At this point, I would like to set the minds of my Muslim mothers and sisters at ease with regards to their high position in the eyes of Allah…
First of all, it should be noted that Allah makes special mention of Maryam (as) in the Qur’aan, indicating quite clearly that gender is no factor for the high position that a person may earn in Allah’s eyes. In mentioning her story, Allah describes the disappointment that her mother expressed when she gave birth to a female. Thereafter Allah states: ‘and the male is not like the female’, after which mention is made of the exalted status that she reached despite her gender. This clearly illustrates that taqwa is not based on gender and certainly, the most honourable in the eyes of Allah are those with the most taqwa.
Secondly, in numerous places, reference is made to the world as a place of provisions. In one hadeeth however, Nabi (saw) mentions: ‘the entire world is provisions and the best of provisions is a virtuous wife.’ This hadeeth explains that the most important thing that a man can gain in this world is a righteous wife, due to the fact that men are easily swayed by women. Therefore, if a man gains a wife who brings him closer to Allah, she will be a means of his success, both in this world and the hereafter. Kind of reminds one of the saying: ‘Behind every successful man is a woman.’
Thirdly, numerous concessions are given for women in this world, without their reward being lessened in the least. For example:
*A woman who looks after her husband’s provisions in his absence for jihaad, gets the same reward as being in jihaad herself, despite being deprived of the difficulties of jihaad, such as fear, wounds etc.
*A woman who performs her hajj (which is fardh anyway) gets the reward of being in jihaad.
*A woman who experiences pregnancy and childbirth, gets the reward of being in jihaad, so much so that if one dies during that time, one enjoys the reward of a martyr.
*A woman is not just permitted to read salaah in her home, but in fact receives more reward for performing salaah at home than a person receives for reading salaah in masjidun nabawi. Therefore, she earns more reward than a man who goes out in the cold to join the jamaat salaah.
*A woman who sweeps out her home while making the dhikr of Allah, gains the same reward as one who sweeps out the ka’bah.
Rasulullah (saw) made mention of just one sahaabi who would be welcomed from all the eight doors of Jannah: the most honourable Abu Bakr Siddeeq (ra). Yet, this virtue is promised to any woman who does four things:
1) Performs her five times salaah.
2) Keeps her Ramadhaan fasts.
3) Protects her chastity.
4) Obeys her husband.
Last, but certainly not least, it is mentioned that a woman who observes the correct laws of hijaab in this world- not just covering the face, but only emerging from her home at times of utter necessity- Allah Himself will visit her in Jannah.

We ask Allah to bestow on all Muslim women the ability to follow in the footsteps of pious examples like Maryam (as), Aasiyah (as), Khadijah (ra), Ayesha (ra) and Faatimah (ra). Aameen.
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